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上海耿翔实业有限公司是一家科技型股份制企业,专业从事石材机械设备及配件设计、生产和销售,主要产品有链臂锯、单片切割锯、红外线桥切机,大理石框架锯液压涨紧器及锯夹,花岗岩砂锯液压涨紧器及锯夹,同时经营链板、丝杆、螺旋齿、过渡架塑料滚轮、压接工具、液压泵浦等专用设备及配件; 本公司自创立以来采用先进的技术及工艺装备,不断进行产品研发创新,以优良的品质、合理的价格、忠诚的服务态度向用户提供可靠的优质产品。 公司将秉承“以真诚连接客户,以创新架构未来”,把人才战略放在首位,不断提升产品层次,竭诚为海内外客商更好地服务。Brief Introduction of KinoKino Stone Machinery Co,Ltd is a professional company engaged in stone quarrying& processing equipment design, manufacturing and sales. Our product such as chain saw, single blade frame saw, Infrared Checking Bridge Cutting Machine, Marble Gang Saw, Marble Gang Saw Tensioner, Granite Gang Saw Tensioner is enjoy a good reputation for durable, accurate and effect performance. At the same time we also provide accessories for stone machine, it includes ti... [详细介绍]