王亚朝(个人会员) 生于闻名全国的丝网之乡-河北省安平县,经过几年的努力,现成为浙江省浦江县厂家直销代理商,主营. 不锈钢丝网,化纤过滤网,过滤芯,包边过滤芯、不锈钢丝,材质304,304l、316、316l等,护栏网,钢板网,电焊网,铁丝网,轧花网,分样筛制品,矿筛网等。公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“质量第一.信誉至上”的原则,以优惠的价格为广大客户提供优质的服务。 欢迎国内外新老顾客来电询问! Ya Wang Chao (individual members) was born in the rural Wenmingquanguo the screen - Anping, Hebei Province, after years of efforts, is now in Pujiang County, Zhejiang factory direct sales agents, Main. Stainless steel mesh, chemical fiber filter, a filter , While a packet filter, stainless steel wire, made 304,304 l, 316,316 l, Hulan Wang, steel net, welded wire mesh, barbed wire, ginning network, the sieve-like products, such as mine screen. Companies adhering to the "customer first, forge ahead" business philosophy, adhere to the "quality first. Credibility fi... [